Addiction Counseling Schools & Licensing Information By State


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There are many schools in California that offer degree programs or provide certification for becoming an addiction counselor. Find out which agencies provide certification, what requirements are necessary, and see a list of addiction counseling schools in California.



Practicing as an Addiction counselor in Florida requires you get one of three types of certifications: Certified Addiction Specialist ("CAS"), Certified Addiction Counselor ("CAC"), or Certified Addiction Professional ("CAP"). Read more about getting your certification and which schools offer an addiction counseling degree in Florida.



Learn about getting licensed in Georgia to become an Substance Abuse or Addiction Counselor. Find program requirements and schools offering addiction counseling programs in Georgia.



See a list of popular schools in Michigan that offer an addiction counseling degree along with a list of education and experience requirements to get a certification in the state.


New Jersey

Learn about becoming a (CADC) or (LCADC) in New Jersey. See the education and experience requirements, along with a list of addiction counseling programs and schools in New Jersey.


North Carolina

North Carolina has several different types of certifications in the drug and addiction counseling field. There are several good schools that offer an addiction counseling program in North Carolina. Also, learn about the steps required to get certified in the state.



Pennsylvania Certification Board oversees the certification requirements for students in PA. Learn about the programs available, education and experience requirements, and which schools offer training or degrees specializing in addiction counseling in Pennsylvania.



Several colleges and universities in Texas provide students with the opportunity to acquire certificates and degrees in addictions and chemical dependency counseling. Read more about addiction counseling schools in Texas.



Becoming a drug abuse and addiction counselor in Tennessee can be very rewarding, however finding the right school that can provide all the training and licensing requirements can be difficult. See what is needed to be licensed and find the schools that offer addiction counseling in Tennessee.



See the 4 step process in becoming licensed in the state, as well as finding schools in Wisconsin that offer addiction counseling degree programs.


Online Programs For Substance Abuse & Addiction Counseling

As we prepare more and more guides for each state, have you considered getting your addiction counseling degree online? There are several programs available and offer both Master and Bachelor's degrees. Check it out, you never know it may just be right for you!